Updating An add-in Through the Internet
When you're offering an add-in through your website you usually have no connection to the people who are using your programming work. It is not unusual that you have discovered (or been pointed at) bugs in your code or that you've done some updating to the utility you'd like your users to benefit from. Sometimes it might be useful if your users could be notified automatically of such updates (many software titles have such a mechanism built-in). This little article shows a way to include that functionality with your add-in.
Assumptions for this article
I've assumed the following:
- You only want to update the add-in itself, not any accompanying files.
- The name of the download file is identical to the add-in's filename.
- Your add-in has a build number.
- There is a html page on your website (or you render one on demand extracting the build number from a database using a query in some php or asp code) which contains nothing else than a build number (no HTML tags surrounding the number).
- The code will create a webquery in a cell that points to that webpage.
The cell is named "Available_Build".
Updating mechanism
The updating process works as follows:
- The add-in checks when the last update check has been performed.
- If this is more than 7 days ago (or has never been done before), the check is started.
- The add-in refreshes its web query and compares build numbers.
- If build on web is higher, permission is asked to download and update.
- The current add-in saves itself, appending "(OldVersion)" to its filename (this enables us to overwrite the old add-in with the new one).
Note: I've tried whether marking the add-in file as read-only would enable the code to delete the file itself, but this appears not to work when the file is on a local drive. I've heard reports that when the add-in is on a network folder, this does work. I don't know if it works in all cases though and would be pleased to get your feedback on that (use form at bottom of page or send me an email).
- A message is shown that asks the user to reopen Excel.
- Excel opens the new file. This file also contains code that removes the "(OldVersion)" file.
Update modes
The code handles two modes, automatic updates and manual update checks.
In the automatic case, the webquery is added to the addin, but is refreshed asynchronously. A worksheet change event is scheduled in the class module, which will fire as soon as the webquery has finished updating (or has timed out). This is done so the check for an update can run in the background whilst Excel finishes its startup process. The user won't have to wait (well, not noticably anyway) for your update to do its work.
In the manual case, the web query is updated synchronously (nothing will work in Excel until it has retrieved its result). I did this because in this case you will confuse your user of he does not get "immediate" feedback on the result.
The code that does the actual updating is wrapped in a class module called "clsUpdate", see the entire code below.
' Module : clsUpdate
' Company : JKP Application Development Services (c)
' Author : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Created : 19-2-2007
' Purpose : Class to check for program updates
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents Sht As Worksheet
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" _
Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, _
ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" _
Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, _
ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
#End If
Private mdtLastUpdate As Date
Private msAppName As String
Private msBuild As String
Private msCheckURL As String
Private msCurrentAddinName As String
Private msDownloadName As String
Private msTempAddInName As String
Private mbManual As Boolean
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set Sht = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadFile(strWebFilename As String, strSaveFileName As String)
' Download the file.
URLDownloadToFile 0, strWebFilename, strSaveFileName, 0, 0
End Sub
Public Function IsThereAnUpdate(Optional bShowMsg As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Dim sNewBuild As String
On Error Resume Next
SaveSetting AppName, "Updates", "LastUpdate", CStr(Int(Now))
If Err.Number <> 0 And bShowMsg Then
MsgBox "Error retrieving update information, please try again later.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End If
End Function
Public Sub DoUpdate()
Dim sNewBuild As String
sNewBuild = ThisWorkbook.Names("Available_build").RefersToRange.Value
If Len(sNewBuild) = 0 Or Len(sNewBuild) > 4 Then
MsgBox "Unable to fetch version information, please try again later.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
If CLng(sNewBuild) > CLng(msBuild) Then
If MsgBox("We have an update, do you wish to download?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
DownloadName = "https://jkp-ads.com/downloadscript.asp?filename=" & ThisWorkbook.Name
If GetUpdate Then
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
MsgBox "Successfully updated the addin, please restart Excel to start using the new version!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
MsgBox "Updating has failed.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End If
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
End If
ElseIf Manual Then
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
MsgBox "Your program is up to date.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Sht_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
If Len(Target.Value) <= 4 Then
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
ElseIf Manual Then
'Query failed to refresh and was called manually
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
MsgBox "Unable to retrieve version information, please try again later", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End If
Set Sht = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub PlaceBuildQT(ByVal bManual As Boolean)
Dim oNm As Name
On Error GoTo LocErr
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each oNm In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Names
If CInt(Left(Application.Version, 2)) > 11 Then
' Trick!! Somehow Excel 2007 cannot insert a web query into an add-in!!
ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = False
End If
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;" & CheckURL, Destination:=ThisWorkbook.Names( _
.Name = "autosafebuild"
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.BackgroundQuery = Not bManual
.RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells
.SavePassword = False
.SaveData = True
.AdjustColumnWidth = False
.RefreshPeriod = 0
.WebSelectionType = xlEntirePage
.WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
.WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
.WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
.WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
.WebDisableDateRecognition = False
' .WebDisableRedirections = False
On Error Resume Next
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=Not (bManual)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not bManual Then
Set Sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
End If
End With
If CInt(Left(Application.Version, 2)) > 11 Then
ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True
' Trick!! Otherwise, Excel 2007 will ask to save your add-in when it closes.
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
If CInt(Left(Application.Version, 2)) > 11 Then
ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
If Err.Description Like "*QueryTables*" Then
MsgBox "Error retrieving version information, please try again later.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
Resume TidyUp
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get Build() As String
Build = msBuild
End Property
Public Property Let Build(ByVal sBuild As String)
msBuild = sBuild
End Property
Public Sub RemoveOldCopy()
CurrentAddinName = ThisWorkbook.FullName
TempAddInName = CurrentAddinName & "(OldVersion)"
On Error Resume Next
Kill TempAddInName
End Sub
Public Function GetUpdate() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
'If workbook has been saved readonly, we can safely delete the file!
If ThisWorkbook.ReadOnly Then
Kill CurrentAddinName
End If
LastUpdate = Now
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs TempAddInName
Kill CurrentAddinName
On Error GoTo 0
DownloadFile DownloadName, CurrentAddinName
If Err = 0 Then GetUpdate = True
End Function
Private Property Get CurrentAddinName() As String
CurrentAddinName = msCurrentAddinName
End Property
Private Property Let CurrentAddinName(ByVal sCurrentAddinName As String)
msCurrentAddinName = sCurrentAddinName
End Property
Private Property Get TempAddInName() As String
TempAddInName = msTempAddInName
End Property
Private Property Let TempAddInName(ByVal sTempAddInName As String)
msTempAddInName = sTempAddInName
End Property
Public Property Get DownloadName() As String
DownloadName = msDownloadName
End Property
Public Property Let DownloadName(ByVal sDownloadName As String)
msDownloadName = sDownloadName
End Property
Public Property Get CheckURL() As String
CheckURL = msCheckURL
End Property
Public Property Let CheckURL(ByVal sCheckURL As String)
msCheckURL = sCheckURL
End Property
Public Property Get LastUpdate() As Date
Dim dtNow As Date
dtNow = Int(Now)
mdtLastUpdate = CDate(GetSetting(AppName, "Updates", "LastUpdate", "0"))
If mdtLastUpdate = 0 Then
'Never checked for an update, save today!
SaveSetting AppName, "Updates", "LastUpdate", CStr(Int(dtNow))
End If
LastUpdate = mdtLastUpdate
End Property
Public Property Let LastUpdate(ByVal dtLastUpdate As Date)
mdtLastUpdate = dtLastUpdate
SaveSetting AppName, "Updates", "LastUpdate", CStr(Int(mdtLastUpdate))
End Property
Public Property Get AppName() As String
AppName = msAppName
End Property
Public Property Let AppName(ByVal sAppName As String)
msAppName = sAppName
End Property
Public Property Get Manual() As Boolean
Manual = mbManual
End Property
Public Property Let Manual(ByVal bManual As Boolean)
mbManual = bManual
End Property
Alternatively, we could do this with the InternetExplorer control (and thus need a reference to the associated library) . This could be done like this:
Dim oIE As InternetExplorer
Set oIE = New InternetExplorer
With oIE
.Navigate2 CheckURL
Loop Until .Busy = False
If Len(.Document.body.innerhtml) > 0 Then
If CLng(.Document.body.innerhtml) > CLng(Build) Then
IsThereAnUpdate = True
End If
End If
End With
Set oIE = Nothing
End Function
In a normal module, we create an instance of this class, set its initial values and do the updating. The comments in the code describe what is being done:
Dim mcUpdate As clsUpdate
Public Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState _
Lib "wininet.dll" (lpdwFlags As Long, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Boolean
Function IsConnected() As Boolean
Dim Stat As Long
IsConnected = (InternetGetConnectedState(Stat, 0&) <> 0)
End Function
Sub AutoUpdate()
CheckAndUpdate False
End Sub
Sub ManualUpdate()
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime Now, "CheckAndUpdate"
End Sub
Public Sub CheckAndUpdate(Optional bManual As Boolean = True)
Set mcUpdate = New clsUpdate
If bManual Then
Application.Cursor = xlWait
End If
With mcUpdate
'Set intial values of class
'Current build
.Build = 0
'Name of this app, probably a global variable, such as GSAPPNAME
.AppName = "UpdateAnAddin"
'Get rid of possible old backup copy
'URL which contains build # of new version
.CheckURL = "https://jkp-ads.com/UpdateAnAddinBuild.asp"
'Started check automatically or manually?
.Manual = bManual
'Check once a week
If (Now - .LastUpdate >= 7) Or bManual Then
.PlaceBuildQT bManual
End If
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End Sub
Download Demo
Download the demo file here: Update An addin
All comments about this page:
Comment by: Nigel Heffernan (20-2-2007 03:19:28) deeplink to this comment
This is functionally identical to the way we control our add-ins at *mumble mumble large bank in London*, with the exception that we run it over the intranet with a defined 'apps' server address and no need for the HTML controls.
However, rolling out our add-ins to overseas offices makes this web-based solution quite attractive, and I will be discussing it with my colleagues.
A very neat piece of work.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (20-2-2007 06:38:40) deeplink to this comment
Hi Nigel,
Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.
Comment by: J T F (27-11-2007 04:40:54) deeplink to this comment
I have implemented this same type of functionality, but this code is much more elegant. It does still suffer from the exact same problem that I have with mine; it apparently cannot update from a username/password protected http page. It would appear that the API call (URLDownloadToFile) does not support any authentication. This is a critical problem for most us, as we are required to protect our code from casual downloading.
Any ideas on how to alleviate this?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (27-11-2007 05:34:10) deeplink to this comment
One way around that would be to create a web service on your site that is implementing proper authentication and call that webservice from VBA to retrieve a file.
Comment by: Matthew Pfluger (21-1-2008 11:24:14) deeplink to this comment
Could you implement this for Name manager? It would be helpful.
Also, I wrote an add-in that serves as a company-wide storage for custom macros. I placed it on our shared drive and instructed everyone to load the add-in without copying it to their hard drive. I use a WIP version that I overwrite the public version with when I deem it stable. There have been no major problems with this method at this point.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (23-1-2008 23:32:52) deeplink to this comment
Hi Matthew,
Good idea. But since NM is also part of a commercial addin by Charles Williams (FastExcel, www.decisionmodels.com) I don't think we can implement that.
Comment by: DetePayoday (18-2-2008 13:27:09) deeplink to this comment
The only place where I could find what i was looking for.
I will be back soon.
Comment by: Brian (26-2-2008 08:21:27) deeplink to this comment
Will this work on Mac machines? I'm guessing "no" since there's the dll call in the "InternetGetConnectedState" function, but it also appears that this function is unnecessary (the "isconnected" variable doesn't get used anywhere, as far as I can tell).
I also have concerns about security. I have free, beta and full versions of my app. I would like all of them to have this update capability. Would it be reasonably secure to have each in a separate sub directory on the web, with indexing disabled on each of them (as well as on the next higher directory) so people wouldn't be able to just navigate to the files? Obviously, I would need to put in some #if statements in the code to make sure each version gets the proper update.
By the way, thank you so much for what you've made available on this site. It's great!
Comment by: Jan karel Pieterse (26-2-2008 09:53:34) deeplink to this comment
Hi Brian,
I guess you're correct, IsConnected isn't in use anymore so you could get rid of it.
Of course security on your site is a different matter, up to you to decide how you arrange that. I just have the file available in a specific folder.
Comment by: Brian (26-2-2008 10:48:03) deeplink to this comment
Will getting rid of IsConnected make it Mac compatible?
Comment by: Jan karel Pieterse (26-2-2008 11:24:39) deeplink to this comment
Hi Brain,
I hope so, don't have a MAC. Make sure you remove the InternetGetConnectedState declaration lines as well.
Comment by: Elashdaf (31-3-2008 19:58:22) deeplink to this comment
Wasjust serfing on net and found this site...want to say thanks. Great site and content!
Comment by: jeffersonwhite (1-4-2008 03:14:00) deeplink to this comment
Thanks for an interesting post
Comment by: Eric (4-4-2008 13:53:33) deeplink to this comment
Just curious why you have AutoUpdate and ManualUpdate run CheckAndUpdate in different ways, as shown below. Is there some advantage in calling a procedure via "Application.OnTime Now, ..."? I just noticed you can't step through the code if you do it that way - interesting...
Sub AutoUpdate()
CheckAndUpdate False
End Sub
Sub ManualUpdate()
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime Now, "CheckAndUpdate"
End Sub
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (6-4-2008 04:36:29) deeplink to this comment
There is no real reason for the difference here. The Ontime method ensures the entire call tree is finished and gives Excel the chance to finish any pending work. It sometimes prevents unexpected behaviour.
Comment by: JPG (22-4-2008 07:08:15) deeplink to this comment
Hey, I'm trying to use a slightly modified version of this and I am having some trouble getting it to work. The problem occurs in RemoveOldCopy(). The first time I update, it works fine, however, any subsequent attempts to update fail because a "Permission denied" error is thrown in RemoveOldCopy(). This is because, after updating once, there is already a file in the XLStart directory named something like Addin.xla(OldVersion) so the line:
Kill TempAddInName
fails because Excel has the file locked. Even though the file extension has been changed, Excel still loads it. Is there any way to work around this?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (22-4-2008 07:56:17) deeplink to this comment
The code fails because Excel loads EVERYTHING from the XLSTART folder, whatever it may be called.
Addins do not belong in the XLSTART folder, they should be placed anywhere but the XLSTART folder and be "installed" using Tools, Addins, browse. Once setup this way, things should work as advertised.
Jan Karel.
Comment by: JPG (23-4-2008 06:52:27) deeplink to this comment
Unfortunately, I don't have a choice, the addin needs to be in the XLStart folder. I worked around the issue by creating a batch file that is run when the addin is closed(when Excel exits) that waits 10s, then deletes the "(OldVersion)" file.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (23-4-2008 08:06:35) deeplink to this comment
OK, if that is your requirement. You might get away with setting the addin's readonly property to true?
Comment by: Dominic (27-8-2008 06:17:55) deeplink to this comment
Great code - haven't actually trialed it yet, just had a look through.
Main question I had was whether this would be a good mechanism for updating COM
Addins ?
Advice appreciated
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (28-8-2008 05:08:24) deeplink to this comment
Hi Dominic,
Hmm, dunno for sure since if the dll is the one checking for updates it is likely
you can't replace the file. Also a dll has to be unregistered before removal, which
is a bit akward if it is running.
I think you should be able to find samples for dll internet updates if you do a
google search for it?
Comment by: Unison (6-10-2008 16:32:05) deeplink to this comment
well... really good post!
Comment by: Deveadami (6-3-2009 07:13:15) deeplink to this comment
Great post dude,
Thanks alot......for sharing.
You are so helpful......
Comment by: ScottFree (24-12-2009 11:09:39) deeplink to this comment
This is Great! I see that you wrote it for an Excel 2007 addin; any reason it would not work for a 2003 addin?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (25-12-2009 03:27:30) deeplink to this comment
Hi Scott,
This is not for Excel 2007 per se, it works for any version.
Excel 2007 just has an extra peculiarity to recon with.
Comment by: JimC (12-1-2010 09:53:57) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan,
I modifed the code based on what I needed, which included being able to update multiple other files, not just the add-in containing the code.
While it works great in Excel 2003, I have found that it doesn't work in Excel 2000 (and unfortunately I still need to support users with both versions). Everything copies, it's just that functions in the add-in contining the code do not work until Excel is restarted.
Any idea on what would need to be done to have it work in Excel 2000?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (12-1-2010 23:47:27) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jim,
Are these User Defined Functions (UDF's) called from worksheet formulas?
Note that the update does not take effect until the user restarts his Excel anyway. Also note that maybe you are experiencing what is described here:
Comment by: Merrill McHenry (10-2-2010 12:54:44) deeplink to this comment
My goal is to totally disable a spreadsheet months after it's date of origin (by referencing a date cell i have auto-updated when a data cell is updated). What would be the VBA code (or change from above for that)?
Thank you kindly
Great stuff - thanks
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (11-2-2010 05:42:03) deeplink to this comment
Hi Merrill,
Something like this in the Workbook_Open event in the ThisWorkbook module:
If Date - ThisWorkbook.Names("DateCell").RefersToRange.Value > 60 Then
Msgbox "Workbook has expired!!", vbExclamation
Thisworkbook.Close False
End If
Comment by: Jarom Petrich (11-4-2010 01:53:30) deeplink to this comment
Wow, excellent post.
I'm still a newby to Visual Basic, but have recently created an addin that needs a self updating feature. This addin is stored on a network drive and doesn't have a build number, instead the addin name changes from "MyAddinV1.12", to "MyAddinV1.13". I've tried unsuccessfuly to rework your code to suit my purposes. Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (11-4-2010 02:27:48) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jarom,
I would change that and use the same addin name.
If you place a new copy of your add-in in that network location, set it to read-only. This means next time you can simply replace the file even while people are using it.
If everyone is using the addin off of the network, you are done. Otherwise for example if people use laptops and are offline sometimes), I would place a simple textfile in the same network folder which only contains your build number. If you give that file the html extension, you can use that in the example code I gave, it should work.
Comment by: david helks (14-8-2010 03:10:57) deeplink to this comment
sorry to appear dumb.
I tried to run the macro this weekend Fri eve 13/8 and Sat am 14/8. I keep getting 'page not found' error when it tries to look for the url
the macro just dumps the text of the web page in cell B1 and below. B1 contains text HOME rather than a number
I assume the macro errors because it has set a text string to the version number when it expects a numeric value for the version number
appreciate your advice. Am sure it's something simple
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (16-8-2010 04:41:44) deeplink to this comment
Hi David,
The correct url for that web page is:
Comment by: Matt Holt (16-8-2010 14:51:21) deeplink to this comment
Hi JKP, this is a great utility, thanks for making this available.
Just a quick question, my add-on currently can function when no workbooks are open and it stores any configuration settings to a .properties file.
Am I correct in saying that your utility requires a workbook so it can save the query? Is there anyway to modify it so a workbook doesn't have to be open (and if need be, I can store any settings in my properties file)?
Thanks a bunch,
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (16-8-2010 23:14:51) deeplink to this comment
Hi Matt,
The code uses a worksheet in your addin itself, so it needs no other open workbooks. Of course you can also use a different approach, where you do not use a webquery to read the web page, but do it all from within VBA, using -for example- the Microsoft Internet Controls object library.
Comment by: aodeng (27-10-2010 12:37:28) deeplink to this comment
Hi Matt,
I am doing something like automatic update and your example help me a lot. I got a problem though after I made some changes: the downloaded file and the "old version" file are both saved to C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents, not the add-ins directory. Do you know what is the reason?
Comment by: aodeng (27-10-2010 14:36:12) deeplink to this comment
please ignore my previous post, I found why the files are located at my documents, that's because I modify the code and change the file's fullname to name thus missing the path information.
You code actually help me a lot. Thanks
Comment by: William Benson (2-1-2011 22:15:01) deeplink to this comment
The sample file is producing an error because the word "Home" is appearing after the web query refreshes, in a cell which you have designated as available build.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (2-1-2011 22:17:41) deeplink to this comment
Hi Bill,
Comment by: Aaron (19-1-2011 08:57:34) deeplink to this comment
I have looked everywhere and am unsure of how to give my addin a build so i can automatically update. any help?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (19-1-2011 09:11:07) deeplink to this comment
Hi Aaron,
There are many possibilities here. You can have a hidden worksheet which contains the build number in cell A1, you can define a range name that refers to a constant (the build number), you can hard-code the buildnumber into your VBA as a constant, up to you really!
Comment by: Colin Norris (13-4-2011 08:28:05) deeplink to this comment
This feature does exactly what I need, however I'm struggling to update it to work from a network drive location rather than a website. when i try to run the code i get an error user defined type not defined in section
Public Function IsThereAnUpdate(sError As String, Optional bShowMsg As Boolean = False) As Boolean
with the following line highlighted
Please help
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (13-4-2011 09:31:05) deeplink to this comment
Hi Colin,
You need to add a reference to the Microsoft XML v3.0 type library (VBA editor, tools, references)
Comment by: William Benson (30-4-2011 09:00:54) deeplink to this comment
Hi, the example file is an XLS file, not an installed add-in. So I would say this is for updates to an Excel workbook, not an installed add-in. I take it that there has to be a lot of additional code for converting the workbook thereafter to an Add-in, such as the user using SaveAs, and making the file an addin some place. Of course if the user has the add-in installed, this is very difficult to achieve 100% reliably while Excel is open - which, if handled via this workbook itself, is the case.
I do have Visual Studions Pro 2008 but don't know much about it. Is it possible to use that package to create an installer package to deliver the add-in and do checks on version - the way this workbook does - without using Excel? I am hopin that in this way it might be possible, so long as Excel is closed, to enable to user to download an update into a temp folder, kill the old add-in, and overwrite with the new one - without using Excel as the tool for exchange.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (1-5-2011 21:47:04) deeplink to this comment
Hi William,
Though the example file is an xls the code works on any Excel file type, including add-ins. No additional code is needed to convert to add-in if you use an add-in file to start with. Sorry if the example confused you.
Comment by: HuctusKic (13-6-2011 19:18:55) deeplink to this comment
just examined the topic! great work.
Comment by: Ken (20-6-2011 11:18:46) deeplink to this comment
Hi - just stumbled across this and sounds great. I have an add-in to distribute and there are 3 ancillary files that go with it and should be in the same directory. One is a help file and the other two files relate to a free editor that I distribute. I do not have a webpage to download from. We have an FTP site that requires a password, but have tried for months to use that option and it won't work. Right now I have my files in a zip file on a Sharepoint site (not all users have access to it). The users have to manually install the add-in by opening the zip and saving the files themselves. Would like to change that to something more automatic. Are there webpages I can "rent" to post my files to that this will work on?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (21-6-2011 01:17:50) deeplink to this comment
Hi Ken,
Why not use e.g. a Microsoft Live account. You can publish files there and make them publicly available, no cost involved.
Comment by: Don (8-9-2011 20:22:03) deeplink to this comment
Thanks for this code. I've modified it a bit to work with a simple file copy from out local network.
However, I am running into one problem. When the add-in gets saved as the temporary filename (so that the new addin can be placed in the right spot). And the used saves the current workbook when the update process finishes, all the references of the UDT in the addin are changed to external links that point to the temporary filename.
I can't seem to get Excel to not make these changes to the users formulas.
My first thought is to make the user close all open workbooks before the update check. But wanted to see if you had a any other suggestions.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (9-9-2011 03:10:23) deeplink to this comment
Hi Don,
I think the best solution is to have the add-in fix the references when a file is opened. See:
Comment by: Klaus (29-9-2011 01:17:04) deeplink to this comment
Hi Don,
sounds interesting. Just wondering if you could make a copy of your modification available?
Comment by: DeneenGeel (5-3-2012 23:16:54) deeplink to this comment
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Comment by: Ken (21-5-2012 10:40:40) deeplink to this comment
I am using your code and it works fine. I did have a question. When my build number gets to 10 will it still read it correctly or is it expecting a 1 digit build number?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (21-5-2012 11:46:04) deeplink to this comment
Hi Ken,
It will treat it as a number, so should work fine. My Autosafe tool uses this and it is at build 134.
Comment by: Bob (23-8-2012 05:46:07) deeplink to this comment
I just found this website - if the update module is used with an Add-In that is wrapped in a Setup.exe file (in another article you suggest IndigoRose) can the update still work without downloading a new setup file?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (23-8-2012 10:09:07) deeplink to this comment
Hi Bob,
That depends on what exactly the setup file does/has to do incase of an update.
If the update requires the setup program to do more than just copying the new file, like making changes to the registry, then it will need extra coding to do those.
Comment by: Boopathi (26-10-2013 17:52:44) deeplink to this comment
I am in the learning phase of excel vba and have done few add-ins and it has been stored in our network folder. I have distributed to by colleagues once. But I would like to have an auto update feature that when I update an addin in my network folder, the existing old file should get updated automatically in my colleagues desktop. FYI: I am not using any FTP/HTTP mode.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (27-10-2013 17:39:40) deeplink to this comment
Hi Boopathi,
All you have to do is make sure the add-in is placed on a network share and set to read-only (using file properties from Windows Explorer). Now install the add-in for everyone using that network share and do not copy the file to their local computer.
If you need to update, simply replace the network file and set it to read-only again.
Comment by: Eric (9-11-2013 17:18:31) deeplink to this comment
This is really good stuff! I don't see an area of the code where you remove the add-in from the list of add-ins in Excel. Do you know a way to handle that problem?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (9-11-2013 19:22:53) deeplink to this comment
Hi Eric,
Why would you want to remove the add-in from the list if you're just updating it?
Comment by: Eric (9-11-2013 23:05:40) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan,
Here is my situation:
I have an add-in that I have serialized into a database. I've written an installer that can ask the database what version is appropriate for the user (based on some criteria). I identify which add-in they're on based on the filename (which violates one of your assumptions at the top). I noticed that you set the current version to 0 each time the update is checked, so essentially the add-in is updated whether or not there is a change. I my case that's not desirable because I have written the add-in in VB.NET and the user would lose their settings every day if I force upgrade when no new version is available. I am open to using the same name if I can still identify what version is currently installed. Otherwise I need to completely remove the old version and put in the new one.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (11-11-2013 07:23:51) deeplink to this comment
Hi Eric,
Setting the current build to zero is just to initialize the property in question, the actual (on-line!) build number available for download is fetched in the class.
The build number of the file itself is either stored in a cell in a sheet or as a constant in the code.
I think there are existing (sometimes paid-for) tools for .NET add-ins to handle updating.
Comment by: Peter Slezak (18-6-2014 17:57:01) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan,
I found your site very useful especially this part about addin updating. Hovewer, when I try to adjust your code to work with Addin (XLAM) not (XLS) it works just perfect but there is one problem. I just changed the name of your original file and I changed the URL for downloading the file. The new version of addin is downloaded correctly, the old one is renamed to “updateanaddin.xlam(old version) “. But when I restart excel I get the error:
“Excel cannot open updateanaddin.xlam file because the file format or file extension is not valid. …”
Do you know a way to handle this problem?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (19-6-2014 07:18:18) deeplink to this comment
Hi Peter,
Not sure what goes wrong on your end, all works fine with the add-ins from me that use this technique.
I would need to see your code adjustments to find out what is wrong.
Comment by: Peter Slezak (19-6-2014 10:04:09) deeplink to this comment
Thank you for the fast response.
I've just saved the file as excel addin, changed the URL to download update from my dropbox folder.
You can download the file from there.
And one more thing I added 'ptrsafe' to functions declaration since I'm working with 64bit Excel 2010.
Thank you very much in advance.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (19-6-2014 10:26:04) deeplink to this comment
Hi Peter,
The reason your code fails is because the downloadlink to dropbox does not download an Excel file, but rather the HTML of the Dropnox webpage that link takes you to.
I expect if you use this url all works as expected:
Comment by: Peter Slezak (19-6-2014 10:38:20) deeplink to this comment
Thank you Jan,
It was really ID107 error.
Comment by: Daniel W (18-8-2014 22:50:34) deeplink to this comment
This looks awesome but I'm having trouble getting it going on my file. I don't understand everything that's going on in the process so I'm sure I'm missing something.
I downloaded the example you have and copied over the modules, including the class module to my addin. I changed this piece:
.DownloadName = 'w.jkp-ads.com/downloadscript.asp?filename=' & ThisWorkbook.Name
.DownloadName = 'mysite'/downloadscript.asp?filename=' & ThisWorkbook.Name
My local file I'm testing is named Merlin_wUpdate_v0.xlam and the server file is named ...v1.xlam. I've created a simple htm file by going into notepad, typing '1' and saving as Updateanaddinbuild.htm
That's all I've edited but it doesn't work. When I try to run a manual update 'Oops, an error has occurred in Update Addin Demo Error 104: Application-defined or object-defined error in CheckAndUpdate.Module modUpdate'
I'm sure it's something I did/didn't do. Any advice? PS - I had to edit some of the links to be able to post but hopefully it makes sense.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (19-8-2014 10:02:37) deeplink to this comment
Hi Daniel,
I expect the problem lies in your download URL.
I would first try entering the download url directly in a to check whether that actually leads to a downloadable file. Probably you need to remove this from the code:
because that part stems from my own website which is used to count the number of downloads per file.
So if your file is located in www.yoursite.com/SomeFolder/yourfile.xls
then that should be the resulting URL for the download.
Comment by: Gary Michalske (5-1-2015 20:52:19) deeplink to this comment
I'm with William Benson regarding and actual XLAM file. I don't see how the code will actually overwrite the Add-In file which is stored (Windows 7) by default in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns. To do something similar, I had to create a VBScript file to actually install the Add-In on the user's machine. The Add-In file and the VBScript file are both stored on a file share. When the user clicks on the VBScript file link in their email, the VBScript file runs.
The code is too long to post in one post (the page will only allow 2000 characters) so I'll split it up.
Here's the first part of the code I had to use to get the Add-In to update:
Dim objFSO, objNetwork, objXL
On Error Resume Next
Set objXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If Not TypeName(objXL) = "Empty" Then
MsgBox "Excel must be closed to install the addin. Please save your work, close excel, and then click 'OK'", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Excel Status Check"
Set objXL = Nothing
End if
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each os In GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
ver = Left(os.Version, 3)
sUser = objNetwork.UserName
sFileLocalAddin = "C:\Users\" & sUser & "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\sap_xl_addin.xlam"
sFileServerAddin = "\\<server>\Data\TSE\Installs\SAP\sap_xl_addin.xlam"
Comment by: Gary Michalske (5-1-2015 20:54:06) deeplink to this comment
And here's the last part of the VBScript Code:
'install addin if it doesn't exist; if it does, then update it with the latest version.
If Not objFSO.FileExists(sFileLocalAddin) Then
MsgBox "The SAP Excel Addin installation may take up to 2 minutes depending on your " _
& "distance from the Nashville server. A notification will appear once the installation " _
& "is successful.", vbInformation, "SAP Excel Addin Installation"
Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oAddin = oXL.AddIns.Add("\\\Data\TSE\Installs\SAP\sap_xl_addin.xlam", True)
oAddin.Installed = True
Set oXL = Nothing
MsgBox "The SAP Excel Addin has been installed successfully.", vbInformation, "SAP Excel Addin Installation"
Set objLocalFile = objFSO.GetFile(sFileLocalAddin)
Set objServerFile = objFSO.GetFile(sFileServerAddin)
objFSO.CopyFile objServerFile.Path, objLocalFile.Path, OverwriteExisting
MsgBox "The SAP Excel Addin was successfully updated.", vbInformation, "SAP Excel Addin Update"
End If
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (6-1-2015 09:54:29) deeplink to this comment
Hi Gary,
The trick is that the code first does a save-as of the "old" add-in file into the same folder, thereby creating a new add-in file with a different name. The side effect being that the original "old" add-in file is not no longer marked as being open in Excel (it is released by Windows too) so you can then replace it. This is the next step of the code: download the updated add-in and save it to the same location, replacing the old copy. The final step is performed after a restart of Excel: the new add-in's code checks if the folder contains any "old versions" and deletes them.
Comment by: Gary Michalske (8-1-2015 03:59:22) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan,
I stepped though your code to get a better understanding of it and now I understand what you mean about the Old save "trick". It works just fine with an xlam file and overwrites it exactly in the same place.
I was able to save my xlam file to a SharePoint document library and a network file share and get it to download just fine from both locations. I am having an issue trying to read the htm file though. When I create a simple htm file from notepad and upload it to either a SharePoint library or Microsoft One Drive on Live.com, the variable is returning all of the html code instead of just the "1". How exactly are you able to get the variable to just return the "1". I may have to resort to your alternative suggestion of using the InnerHTMl method.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (8-1-2015 10:55:28) deeplink to this comment
Hi Gary,
My code assumes it can go to a webpage and all that page contains IS the buildnumber. Indeed if your situation differs, by all means read the innerhtml and go from there.
Comment by: Gary Michalske (8-1-2015 18:00:07) deeplink to this comment
Yeah, I noticed that. When I go to your html page and view the source, all I see is the "1". When I go to any other web page, including the ones I've been creating to work with this solution, I see all the HTML code when I view the source. How are accomplishing that? Are you dymanically creating your web page with ASP or PHP from your server or something?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (8-1-2015 22:54:15) deeplink to this comment
Hi Gary,
An HTML file is not much more than a textfile, so I just have a textfile with that content which I upload to my site.
Comment by: Gary Michalske (9-1-2015 12:53:57) deeplink to this comment
I think I discovered the issue. When I create a file in notepad with a HTM extension, open it and view it's source, all I see is the version number. After I upload it to SharePoini and open it I see the following added code (the 13 at the upper left is the version number):
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
<mso:_dlc_DocId msdt:dt="string">DPNRWTWJ2VJ5-4-7</mso:_dlc_DocId>
<mso:_dlc_DocIdItemGuid msdt:dt="string">c0b91160-d69b-4dec-a6c2-b9decbac7c2b</mso:_dlc_DocIdItemGuid>
<mso:_dlc_DocIdUrl msdt:dt="string">https://mysite.tcco.com/personal/gmichalske/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=DPNRWTWJ2VJ5-4-7, DPNRWTWJ2VJ5-4-7</mso:_dlc_DocIdUrl>
So What I did to solve the issue was to upload the file with a TXT extension. Then your code was still able to open it and return the version number correctly.
Comment by: Gary Michalske (2-2-2015 17:37:53) deeplink to this comment
Thanks again for this very helpful VBA class. I've been able to implement it and get it to work with the supporting files stored on an intranet SharePoint site.
One thing I can't seem to understand is how the parameters are working with the Application.OnTime function. I’ve researched this on the msdn.com site but fail to understand how
Will you explain all of this please?
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime Now, "'" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & "'!CheckAndUpdate"
End Sub
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (2-2-2015 17:50:47) deeplink to this comment
Hi Gary,
The OnTime method schedules a certain macro to run at a set time. However if you have more than one workbook open which also happen to have macros with equal names you may be in for a spurprise. You will have no control over which "workbook version" of that macro will be called if you simply use the name of the macro.
That is why I always prepend the name of the macro with teh full name of the workbook containing the macro. The syntax to that is very similar to the syntax of a range name you want to point to that is in another file:
'c:\users\jkp\documents\some file.xlsm'!TheMacroYouWantCalled
The apostrophes are there to make sure all works well when there are spaces in the filename or other characters Excel doesn't like much.
Comment by: Gary Michalske (26-2-2015 01:25:12) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan,
I have a question using the URLDownloadTofile funtion. When I use that function, and then open the file, it seems to render the file in state where I can't call a procedure in it from another workbook. For instance, I'm using this line of code to run a procedure called ExportModule. Here's the line of code:
I'm using the ExportModule function to export all modules from the Master file from the website, then temporarily import them into to the Slave file on the user's computer and then transfer the code from each module from the Master to the Slave. Then the Master modules are removed fromt the Slave.
If I open the Master with Workbooks.Open (<fullPathToFile>), the ExportModule function runs just fine. When I try to open it after downloading it with the URLDownloadToFile function, I get an error that says macros may not be enabled.
Any ideas how to use the URLDownLoadToFile function successfully? I like this method better because it's faster than the direct open method.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (26-2-2015 06:24:22) deeplink to this comment
Hi Gary,
Probably Excel is opening the file in protected view (in the UI you would have to click enable editing).
For the activeworkbook, you can enable editing using:
Comment by: Gary Michalske (26-2-2015 19:25:27) deeplink to this comment
Well it wasn't in a protected mode because I didn't see the "Enable Editing" button and the line of code gave me the "With Statement or Object not set..." error. At any rate, it ended up working anyway so I'm not sure at this point why it was failing last night. Maybe Excel was as tired as I was...
Comment by: Ali (3-6-2015 14:15:06) deeplink to this comment
thanks for the great article and i would like to know if i change the build number in the code to be like "1" and then i saved a word file as html include the new build number like "2" and uploaded to my dropbox and also the addin to my dropbox.
please advice if it will work like this? or there is something more technical i have to do?
thank you
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (3-6-2015 16:48:53) deeplink to this comment
Hi Ali,
Well, I would use a text editor like NotePad and save a file with JUST the number as a textfile. Then rename the .txt to .html and upload that file to your site somewhere.
Comment by: Ali (3-6-2015 19:48:33) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan
actually thanks for reply to my question and i have one more last question if i may, i could upload the new html file i named it "newversion" and it has the build number "2" only number two, but i can`t actually know how to set a build number for the current version?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (4-6-2015 07:31:55) deeplink to this comment
Hi Eduardo,
The HTML file contains the number for the most recent version of your add-in. The add-in itself contains the verison number of the add-in. So the code compares the version number IN the add-in with the HTML file and if the html file has a higher number, you know you can offer the user to download the new version of the add-in.
Comment by: Ali (4-6-2015 20:34:56) deeplink to this comment
hi Jan
me again and apologize for many questions.
i was able to get the build issue fixed i could set build for the current version and to the html for the new version.
everything seems to be fine but the problem when i click " Update" and it finish a new file is created named xxxOld Version, and the current file which i run the update from it when i try to reopen it gives extention change error and never open. beside the addin its not really updated.
do you make a video for this tutorial before? or can you help me out with these problems,
Comment by: Ali (5-6-2015 18:01:59) deeplink to this comment
actually i am shy to question again. but kindly ignore my previous questions after reviewing the comments i saved your demo copy as xlam file and i was able to run the updated but the only problem now the new version does not replace the current version although all same name. but the both appear side by side in excel tabs. i dont know how to fix this problem and also when i tried to copy the modules and classes to my addin itself i got hidden module compile in the class module :(
sorry JKP
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (8-6-2015 06:14:08) deeplink to this comment
Hi Ali,
Do you by any chance place the xlam in the XLSTART folder? That is not a good place for and add-in.
Comment by: Ali (8-6-2015 08:07:45) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan.
i got it worked after all actually thanks to your recommendations to all members i reviewed all comments and got many fixes.
now it works like a charm and not from XLStart just anywhere the addin it works great.
thanks for the 100% useful addin.
Comment by: Bill (21-6-2015 18:02:56) deeplink to this comment
Thanks Jan for creating this! I had been searching for a while for a really good way to automatically update add-ins, but nothing was really what I wanted...then I found your elegant and inspired solution.
I implemented your code with one change. In the function IsThereAnUpdate I found that MSXML2.XMLHTTP was using cached responses, so I switched to WinHttp.WinHttpRequest and everything works great! Thanks again! /bill
Comment by: Elle (12-12-2015 01:07:51) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan,
at first: Big Thanx for this code. I have edited it to my needs and it works!
But I have 2 questions:
1. Where do I have to change the Build number, if I make an update? Is it right, that I have to change the value of the cell named "Available_Build" and also the same number in my htm-file?
2. (the bigger one):
Inside my AddIn I have some sheets, wich control the AddIn's functionallity. Some values of the sheet "Einstellungen" will be change by the users to set theyr settings.
HOW and WHERE can I copy these settings to the updated new AddIn-Sheet("Einstellungen")?
Thank you for support
nice regards
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (14-12-2015 09:00:13) deeplink to this comment
Hi Elle,
The workbook contains a rangename called Build, which has this formula: =0. If your buildnumber equals 101, you should edit that range name so its formula becomes =101
Your version of the update code should handle copying of settings. In the class there is a routine called "RemoveOldCopy". This is where you add code to open the old copy and copy its settings to the new one, just before the line that kills the old version.
Comment by: Nick Boddington (11-12-2018 14:54:42) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan
I have been trying to implement your excellent code above to update an add-in from a shared folder on our network. It works up until the point I try to copy the new version - after renaming the existing version - into the folder on my C: drive where the add-in is located (not in XLSTART). I keep getting the error 70 with permission denied, and I have tried both Win 7/Excel 2010 and Win10/Excel 2016 & got the same results. I can manually copy/paste the file without any problems. Wondered if you had any suggestions, thanks in advance
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (11-12-2018 16:20:53) deeplink to this comment
Hi Nick,
Are you using code or a manual process? If the former, can you share the relevant bits and indicate which step causes the problem? If the latter, what are the exact steps you are taking and when do you get the error?
Comment by: Nick Boddington (11-12-2018 16:29:51) deeplink to this comment
The manual copy/paste does work. The VBA which does not is here :
strFileName = gcstrNetworkLocation & gcstrAppName & "." & gcstrSuffix
Set fil = mfso.GetFile(strFileName)
fil.Copy ThisWorkbook.Path
The error is on the last line. I have checked that the AddIn is not open or installed before it is copied.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (12-12-2018 10:40:30) deeplink to this comment
Hi Nick,
What if you do it like so:
Kill ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & gcstrAppName & "." & gcstrSuffix
Name strFileName As ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & gcstrAppName & "." & gcstrSuffix
Comment by: Nick Boddington (12-12-2018 15:57:55) deeplink to this comment
Many thanks. That worked a treat.
Comment by: Andy (1-3-2019 19:03:28) deeplink to this comment
Thank you so much for this code. Just wanted to ask what kind of license this code is under – can I just copy / paste into my own add-in? I will obviously keep the attribution at the top and include a link to this URL. Thanks for all the great work you share with us. I couldn't believe it when I found this exact piece of code on Google.
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (1-3-2019 19:56:55) deeplink to this comment
Hi Andy,
Thanks for asking!
You are free to use the code in any way you like as long as the attribution is there.
Comment by: Diogo Santos (28-9-2020 10:39:00) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan,
Thank you os much for your code.
I've been using it successfully for years, I've adapted it to my needs over the years here and there on minor details, but the essence is completely yours and it is just A-MA-ZING!
I was now trying to change something and get to read the version and get the file to download from Sharepoint with Office 365, which I can't seem to achieve.
Would you by any chance, after so many years, have any plans to update the code to that?
Sharepoint 365 works differently than the previous Sharepoint, which I already used for this, and the help on the internet soes not seem to be a lot (or I'm losing my Googlefu skilss...).
Thank you so much,
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (29-9-2020 10:19:00) deeplink to this comment
Hi Diogo,
I have little to no Sharepoint experience, but I suspect this is due to security/sign-in options. I would suggest to add a powerquery query to the add-in that pulls in the version information rather than using the http get method.
How to download a file from Sharepoint using code I do not know I'm afraid.
Comment by: Daniel (4-6-2022 18:07:00) deeplink to this comment
How do you set a build number for excel add-ins?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (4-6-2022 18:33:00) deeplink to this comment
Hi Daniel,
That can be done using any convenient method, such as setting a constant in the vba code, or an entry in a dedicated cell of the addin.
Comment by: Asmita (10-6-2024 13:59:00) deeplink to this comment
Hi Jan,
How to add newly created tags in existing project tag in Add-ins?
Please guide
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (10-6-2024 16:55:00) deeplink to this comment
Hi Asmita,
I'm not sure I understand what you mean?
Comment by: Asmita (10-6-2024 17:01:00) deeplink to this comment
Have created new sub tags using macro, but those are not being added in the existing Tab(created abc as project name) like Developer tab. But those sub tags are not getting added in "abc" main Tab in excel - Working with Add-in here
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (11-6-2024 09:46:00) deeplink to this comment
Hi Asmita,
I'm still not sure. What exactly do you mean by "sub tags". Sub tags of what object exactly? Is this a VBA question?
Comment by: 1997ismail.hosen@gmaill.com (19-6-2024 11:49:00) deeplink to this comment
What about new Microsoft blocking macro issue by default for M365? Does this work on Mac in Excel as well?
Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (19-6-2024 14:02:00) deeplink to this comment
Hi Ismail,
Mac doesn't have MOTW, so isn't an issue there. Mac has other issues, like users having to permit access to certain folders.
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