Pivottable Slicers


Pivottables are one of the most powerful data analysis features Excel has to offer. From version to version, Microsoft have added functionality to this feature. Pivottable Slicers were introduced with Excel 2010 and as of Excel 2013 you can also insert a slicer to filter a table. In this article I'll discuss how you can put slicers to work.


Why Slicers

If you've ever done filtering on (Pivot) tables before you'll know why this can be a challenge. But I'll spell it out here in case you haven't.

With any version of Excel, you can filter the content of your table or Pivottable report (or pivot chart for that matter) by clicking the appropriate dropdown and checking/unchecking boxes:

Filtering a Pivottable field
Old-style (Pivot) table filtering

This method has a number of drawbacks listed below, in no particular order:

Slicers put an end to a number of these problems:

Filtering a Pivottable field with slicers
Slicer filtering

Configuring Slicers

Slicer options on the ribbon

There is a host of settings you can apply to your slicers. The Ribbon shows most of them:

Excel 2010 ribbon for slicer editing
Ribbon (cut in two halves so it fits on this page) showing the slicer options tab.

The Slicer Tools contextual ribbon tab houses a number of groups to change your slicer's appearance and behavior. Let me discuss them here.

Slicer group

This group houses three important controls. You can change the name of a slicer here (Slicer Caption), change some settings controlling which items are listed in a slicer and how they are sorted and filtered (Slicer Settings). Also, you can set up which Pivottables connect to your slicer (I explain that below).

Slicer Styles Group

A quick way to format your slicers is by applying one of the built-in slicer styles. Like any style in Excel 2010, these adhere to the theme you've selected. This makes it easy to keep your workbook design tidy and consistent.

Like cell styles you can create your own slicer styles too, by right-clicking one of them and choosing "Duplicate", followed by right-clicking the newly duplicated style and choosing "Modify".

Buttons group

Just like you can easily change the colors of your slicers by applying a different style to the slicer it is simple to modify the button layout and appearance, just adjust the numbers in that group of the ribbon.

Buttons group
These three controls enable you to change the button layout and size

Size group

And last but not least a small group which lets you edit the button sizes.

Commands not in ribbon

Unfortunately, not everything you need is on the ribbon. The missing options are quickly accessible through the slicer's right-click menu however. Select the "Size and Properties" option to get there. Here you can control whether or not the slicer must be printed and should move/size with cells just like any other shape on a sheet. And you can turn off resizing and moving to prevent your users from messing with your layout.

Changing a Slicer's font size

If you've scurried through all slicer dialogs like I have, you'll have noticed there is no way to change the font size of a slicer.

Or is there? Of course there is, but is has been cunningly hidden!

The basic idea is that you must edit the slicer's style. But since you can only edit custom styles, the first step is to add a custom style. Pick one you like best and right-click it, then select Duplicate...:

Right-click a slicer style
Right-click a slicer style and select "Duplicate"

The second step is editing the new custom style. Right-click that style and select "Modify...":

Right-click a slicer style
Right-click a slicer style and select "Modify".

In the dialog that pops up, select "Whole Slicer" end then click the Format button:

The Modify slicer Quick style dialog
The Modify slicer Quick style dialog.

As you can see in the screenshot below, now you can edit the slicer's Font.

The Format Slicer Element dialog
Time to select a nicer font for your slicer!.

After you OK this dialog, probably nothing appears to happen to your slicer. Don't worry, all that is needed now is applying your new custom style to the slicer and you're done!

A very useful option of slicers is that you can tie them to more than one Pivottable and/or -chart.

The way to handle this is by selecting the slicer in question and then clicking the Pivottable Connections button in the Slicer Settings group on the Slicer Tools contextual ribbon tab:

the Pivottable Connections button
the Pivottable Connections button in the Slicer Settings group on the Slicer Tools contextual ribbon tab.

This brings up the following tiny dialog:

the Pivottable Connections dialog
the Pivottable Connections dialog.

As you can see, Excel has listed a couple of Pivottables in your file to tie the slicer to.

Luckily, Excel is smart enough to ensure that only Pivottables using the same cache as the selected slicer is tied to are in the list.

If you have more than one slicer on a particular field (e.g. a slicer on "City" on each sheet with a Pivottable), then you must take care when selecting which tables the slicer relates to. As soon as you check more than one check box, the slicers working on the checked Pivottables will be permanently tied together. The only way to make the slicers work independently again is by using the Undo button.

Slicers and VBA

This chapter has also been published on The Microsoft Office Blog.

Juggling the SlicerCaches collection

For each slicer you add to your workbook, Excel adds a SlicerCache object too, which controls which Pivottable(s) your slicer controls.

So suppose we have a workbook with two Pivot caches. Pivotchache1 has two pivot tables: Pivottable1 and Pivottable2. As soon as you add a slicer to a Pivottable (even if the slicer ties to the same field of the Pivottable) you get a SlicerCache object tied to the pivotCache to which the pivot table belongs:

Hierarchy of the slicer and it's family
Hierarchy of the slicer and its family

Note that the above picture is not entirely correct. In the object model, PivotTables are in fact tied to a slicerCache, not to a slicer. But on the user interface side of things it is the slicer the user actually sees, which is why I put that in-between.

Also note that this is a diagram for pivot table slicers. A table slicer has a much simpler diagram where a table has one slicer cache with attached to that all slicers pertaining to that table. No other tables are involved.

The code below enumerates all slicer caches and their associated pivot tables in your workbook:

Sub MultiplePivotSlicerCaches()
    Dim oSlicer As Slicer
    Dim oSlicercache As SlicerCache
    Dim oPT As PivotTable
    Dim oSh As Worksheet
    For Each oSlicercache In ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
        For Each oPT In oSlicercache.PivotTables
            MsgBox oSlicercache.Name & "," & oPT.Parent.Name
End Sub

As soon as you check more than one Pivottable on the Pivottable Connections dialog of a Slicer, the slicers in question will share a single SlicerCache object. The other SlicerCache object will be removed from the collection. This explains why you cannot go back by unchecking all but one Pivottable in that dialog: all joined slicers will now be changed by changing the checked Pivottable(s) on any of them. In turn, each checked Pivottable becomes part of the Pivottables collection of the remaining SlicerCache object.

If you decide to select Slicer1 and change its pivot connections by checking both Pivottable1 and Pivottable2, one slicer cache is deleted (the one belonging to the Pivottable you checked to add to the current slicer). So the hierarchy changes to:

Changed hierarchy of slicers
Changed hierarchy of slicers

So both Slicer1 and Slicer2 control Pivottables 1 and 2. The slicers 1 and 2 are in sync too because it is in fact the SlicerCache that is changed by the slicer. So the hierarchy in the picture above isn't entirely true.

Changing the buttons using VBA

It is easy enough to change the button appearance using a bit of VBA:

Sub AdjustSlicerButtonDimensions()
    With ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_City2").Slicers("City 2")
        .NumberOfColumns = 3
        .RowHeight = 13
        .ColumnWidth = 70
         'Note that changing the ColumnWidth also affects the Width of the slicer itself
         'So the next line will change the ColumnWidth!
        .Width = 300
     End With
End Sub

Note that the numbers do not coincide with what is shown on the ribbon. Apparently the unit of measure differs between VBA and the ribbon.

Changing the slicer itself and some SlicerCache properties

Changing some aspects of your slicer using VBA isn't hard to do. In fact, the macro recorder makes finding out how this works relatively simple. After changing some settings and doing a bit of tidying up I got:

Sub AdjustSlicerSettings()
    With ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_City2").Slicers("City 2")
        .Caption = "City"
        .DisplayHeader = True
        .Name = "City 2"
    End With
    With ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_City2")
        .CrossFilterType = xlSlicerNoCrossFilter
        '   Visually indicate items with no data, items with data are pushed to the top
        '   Visually indicate items with no data, items with no data stay put
        '   No indication for items with no data.
        .SortItems = xlSlicerSortAscending
        .SortUsingCustomLists = False
        .ShowAllItems = False
        '   This ensures that data no longer in the pivot cache is not shown on the slicer
    End With
End Sub

Synchronising Slicers

Oftentimes a reporting workbook contains more than one pivot table. As I showed you already, synchronising pivot tables that use the same pivot cache is very easy if you tie them together with one or more slicers pointing to both pivot tables. You use the "Pivottable Connections" button on the ribbon for that.

However, it frequently happens that pivot tables do not share a pivot cache, but still need to be in sync, for instance if your slicer is filtering on a reporting period such as Year, Quarter or Month. In the code below I assume all pivot caches share the fieldnames to filter on. I also assume the tied-together slicer caches share the same values, in other words, all years appearing in Slicer_Year also appear in Slicer_Year1 and vice versa. If your situation differs (values in slicer cache 1 might be missing in slicer cache 2 or the other way around), you will need to take special precautions.

Setting things up

The first action needed is to make sure each slicer is connected to all relevant pivot tables belonging to its pivot cache. Take care NOT to add a pivot table to a slicer for which the field in question is not used in that pivot table, because a slicer can operate on a field that isn't included in the pivot table itself. It will filter your pivot table and the pivot itself gives no clue that it was filtered (other than the slicer).

Suppose you have three reports: Monthly, Quartely and Yearly. You might have three slicers for those pivot tables: Year, Month and Quarter. But for the quarterly and yearly pivot table, it makes no sense to tie them to the Month slicer. In fact, it would turn them all into a monthly report. In a situation like this, only the Year slicer is a sensible one to connect to all three pivot tables. If you would want to connect the Quarter slicer to the Month slicer, you would need some VBA which, after selecting a month, sets the associated Quarter in the Quarter slicer. The code below isn't that smart, it just syncs Year, Quarter and Month slicers, assuming you did all of the slicers pivot table connections correctly.

Triggering a change in a slicer filter

There is no event tied to slicer actions directly. However, clicking a slicer triggers the Workbook_SheetPivotTableUpdate event in the ThisWorkbook module (there is a similar event in the sheet modules, but I want one generic event which responds to any pivot table update). The empty event stub looks like this:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetPivotTableUpdate(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As PivotTable)

End Sub

Sh is an object variable pointing to the worksheet on which a pivot table just updated. Target is an object variable pointing to the pivot table that just updated.

The first thing the code needs to do is find out which slicers are connected to the pivot table that just changed and set a pointer to the ones we want to use to sync the other pivot tables to.

First, we declare some variables:

    Dim oScMonth As SlicerCache
    Dim oScKwrt As SlicerCache
    Dim oScYear As SlicerCache
    Dim oSc As SlicerCache
    Dim oPT As PivotTable
    Dim oSi As SlicerItem

The first three are going to hold the Year, Quarter and Month slicers tied to the changed pivot table. Note that no more than two of these three are in fact tied to the pivot table: either Year and Month, Year and Quarter or just Year.

Finding the slicer that was clicked

So now step through all SlicerCaches and then through all their associated pivot tables to find out which slicers are tied to the changed pivot table:

    For Each oSc In ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
        For Each oPT In oSc.PivotTables
            If oPT.Name = Target.Name And oPT.Parent.Name = Target.Parent.Name Then
                If oSc.Name Like "*Year*" Then
                    Set oScYear = oSc
                ElseIf oSc.Name Like "*Month*" Then
                    Set oScMonth = oSc
                ElseIf oSc.Name Like "*Quarter*" Then
                    Set oScKwrt = oSc
                End If
                Exit For
            End If
        If Not oScYear Is Nothing And Not oScMonth Is Nothing And Not oScKwrt Is Nothing Then Exit For

As you can see, we only pick up the slicers Month, Quarter and Year because those are the ones we want to sync.

Synchronising the slicers

Now that we have the slicer(s) that have been clicked, we want to sync them with slicers with similar names. By Default, Excel names SlicerCaches like this: Slicer_FieldName. If another slicer with the same fieldname is added (which adds a SlicerCache too), it is called Slicer_FieldName1, the next one is called Slicer_FieldName2 and etcetera. So what the code below does is loop through all slicer caches again, looking at their names to figure out which ones belong together.

The code has a special trick to avoid problems. Suppose you have a slicer which has its first item selected and the remaining items de-selected. Suppose that the sister slicer is clicked and we click the second item. When the code runs through all slicer items, it will start with the first one, which will be de-selected. This causes the slicer to select all items, because it is not allowed to de-select all items of a slicer. Subsequently the code runs through the remaining items and sets them as needed. The end result is that both item 1 and item 2 are selected, rather than just item 2. The trick around this is setting the last slicer item to "Selected" before running through the loop:

    If Not oScYear Is Nothing Then
        For Each oSc In ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
            If Mid(oSc.Name, 7, 3) = Mid(oScYear.Name, 7, 3) And oSc.Name <> oScYear.Name Then
                'This one has a similar fieldname (first three characters are compared in this case)
                'but not the same name, as that would be the same slicer cache.
                'So synch it with the changed year slicer
                'If a slicer has the very first item selected and you subsequently de-select it,
                'the end result is that all sliceritems get selected. So select the last item of the slicer first
                oSc.SlicerItems(oSc.SlicerItems.Count).Selected = True
                For Each oSi In oScYear.SlicerItems
                    On Error Resume Next
                    If oSc.SlicerItems(oSi.Value).Selected <> oSi.Selected Then
                        oSc.SlicerItems(oSi.Value).Selected = oSi.Selected
                    End If
            End If
    End If

Putting it all together

So if you put all of this together, this is what you end up with:

'Variable to prevent event looping:
Dim mbNoEvent As Boolean

Sub Workbook_SheetPivotTableUpdate(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As PivotTable)
    Dim oScMonth As SlicerCache
    Dim oScKwrt As SlicerCache
    Dim oScYear As SlicerCache
    Dim oSc As SlicerCache
    Dim oPT As PivotTable
    Dim oSi As SlicerItem
    Dim sYear As String
    Dim bUpdate As Boolean
    'Prevent event looping, changing a slicer in this routine also triggers this routine
    If mbNoEvent Then Exit Sub
    mbNoEvent = True
    bUpdate = Application.ScreenUpdating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each oSc In ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
        For Each oPT In oSc.PivotTables
            If oPT.Name = Target.Name And oPT.Parent.Name = Target.Parent.Name Then
                If oSc.Name Like "*Year*" Then
                    Set oScYear = oSc
                ElseIf oSc.Name Like "*Month*" Then
                    Set oScMonth = oSc
                ElseIf oSc.Name Like "*Quarter*" Then
                    Set oScKwrt = oSc
                End If
                Exit For
            End If
        If Not oScYear Is Nothing And Not oScMonth Is Nothing And Not oScKwrt Is Nothing Then Exit For
    If Not oScYear Is Nothing Then
        For Each oSc In ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
            If Mid(oSc.Name, 7, 3) = Mid(oScYear.Name, 7, 3) And oSc.Name <> oScYear.Name Then
                'This one has a similar fieldname (first three characters are compared in this case)
                'but not the same name, as that would be the same slicer cache.
                'So synch it with the changed year slicer
                'If a slicer has the very first item selected and you subsequently de-select it,
                'the end result is that all sliceritems get selected. So select the last item of the slicer first
                oSc.SlicerItems(oSc.SlicerItems.Count).Selected = True
                For Each oSi In oScYear.SlicerItems
                    On Error Resume Next
                    If oSc.SlicerItems(oSi.Value).Selected <> oSi.Selected Then
                        oSc.SlicerItems(oSi.Value).Selected = oSi.Selected
                    End If
            End If
    End If
    If Not oScKwrt Is Nothing Then
        For Each oSc In ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
            If Mid(oSc.Name, 7, 3) = Mid(oScKwrt.Name, 7, 3) And oSc.Name <> oScKwrt.Name Then
                oSc.SlicerItems(oSc.SlicerItems.Count).Selected = True
                For Each oSi In oScKwrt.SlicerItems
                    On Error Resume Next
                    If oSc.SlicerItems(oSi.Value).Selected <> oSi.Selected Then
                        oSc.SlicerItems(oSi.Value).Selected = oSi.Selected
                    End If
            End If
    End If
    If Not oScMonth Is Nothing Then
        For Each oSc In ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
            If Mid(oSc.Name, 7, 3) = Mid(oScMonth.Name, 7, 3) And oSc.Name <> oScMonth.Name Then
                oSc.SlicerItems(oSc.SlicerItems.Count).Selected = True
                For Each oSi In oScMonth.SlicerItems
                    On Error Resume Next
                    If oSc.SlicerItems(oSi.Value).Selected <> oSi.Selected Then
                        oSc.SlicerItems(oSi.Value).Selected = oSi.Selected
                    End If
            End If
    End If
    mbNoEvent = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = bUpdate
End Sub

Show Selected Items

Even though it is often sufficient to see the slicer on the workbook it can be useful to be able to get a list of the filtered sliceritems in a worksheet cell. If your pivot table is built using a Power Pivot model, then you can access this information by using the CUBERANKEDMEMBER worksheet function. If however the slicer was built off of a "normal" pivot table, then you need a bit of VBA code in a User Defined Function (UDF).

The slicer name

In order to retrieve the selected slicer items we need slicer's internal name, both for the CUBERANKEDMEMBER function and for the UDF. This name can be shown in the user interface by right-clicking the slicer in question and selecting "Slicer settings". The name you are looking for is marked in red in the screenshot below and indicated by "Name to use in formulas":

Slicer settings dialog, needed name highlighted in red

CUBERANKEDMEMBER (for Power Pivot slicers)

The CUBERANKEDMEMBER function returns an array of selected items and hence needs to be into as many (vertical) cells as you expect will be selected in the slicer. See the screenshot below.

Using the CUBERANKEDMEMBER function

The formula is:


Note, that this is a dynamic array formula that only works in Excel 365. For older versions you should use a formula like the one below and copy that formula down far enough:

=IFERROR(CUBERANKEDMEMBER("PowerPivot Data",Slicer_Name,ROW()-ROW($G$2)),"")


The code sample below must be placed in a normal module:

Public Function GetSelectedSlicerItems(SlicerName As String) As String
    Dim oSc As SlicerCache
    Dim oSi As SlicerItem
    Dim lCt As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oSc = ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches(SlicerName)
    If Not oSc Is Nothing Then
        For Each oSi In oSc.SlicerItems
            If oSi.Selected Then
                GetSelectedSlicerItems = GetSelectedSlicerItems & oSi.Name & ", "
                lCt = lCt + 1
            End If
        If Len(GetSelectedSlicerItems) > 0 Then
            If lCt = oSc.SlicerItems.Count Then
                GetSelectedSlicerItems = "All Items"
                GetSelectedSlicerItems = Left(GetSelectedSlicerItems, Len(GetSelectedSlicerItems) - 2)
            End If
            GetSelectedSlicerItems = "No items selected"
        End If
        GetSelectedSlicerItems = "No slicer with name '" & SlicerName & "' was found"
    End If
End Function

The function takes the slicer name as its argument and returns a text string (comma delimited) containing the selected items. In a worksheet cell the formula would look like this:



Well, I hope I got you started with getting your head around how slicers work and how to address them using VBA. I find Slicers a real gem in Excel. A great addition to the product!

Sample files

Download sample Excel workbooks (29 Aug 2019, downloaded 5.642 times)

Other sources

Microsoft Excel - Easy (and Even Fun!) Data Exploration: Introducing Excel 2010 Slicers

Microsoft Excel - Interacting with Slicers

Wall Street Oasis - Slicer in Excel: Tool Guide - Images and Video Instructions in Excel


Showing last 8 comments of 714 in total (Show All Comments):


Comment by: Christopher W (26-7-2022 11:14:00) deeplink to this comment

How can I change the colour of each slicer button to match the colour of the line/column/bar>

Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (26-7-2022 11:38:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi Christopher,

You cannot change the color of individual slicer buttons I'm afraid, just the color of all buttons.

Comment by: Wim Gielis (29-7-2022 01:17:00) deeplink to this comment

Slicers can be tied to tables (ListObjects) but 1 slicer operates only on 1 such table. It would be very useful if 1 slicer can filter in several tables, simply in Excel.

Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (29-7-2022 11:29:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi Wim,

I totally agree!

Comment by: Anna Pauley (25-10-2023 20:06:00) deeplink to this comment

How do you modify the below code to connect another slicer?

Option Explicit

Public NoEvents As Boolean
Private Sub Workbook_SheetPivotTableUpdate(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As PivotTable)
    Dim sSelected() As String
    Dim lCt As Long
    Dim oScPT As SlicerCache
    Dim oSi As SlicerItem
    ReDim sSelected(1 To 1)
    Set oScPT = ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_City")
    If NoEvents Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    NoEvents = True
    For Each oSi In oScPT.SlicerCacheLevels(1).SlicerItems
        If oSi.Selected Then
            lCt = lCt + 1
            ReDim Preserve sSelected(1 To lCt)
            sSelected(lCt) = oSi.Value
        End If
    SyncSlicer sSelected, "Slicer_City1"
    SyncSlicer sSelected, "Slicer_City2"
    NoEvents = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub

Sub SyncSlicer(sSelected() As String, sSlicerName As String)
    Dim oScTable As SlicerCache
    Dim oSi As SlicerItem
    Dim lCt As Long
    Dim bShow As Boolean
    Set oScTable = ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches(sSlicerName)
    For Each oSi In oScTable.SlicerItems
        oScTable.SlicerItems(sSelected(1)).Selected = True
        bShow = False
        For lCt = 1 To UBound(sSelected)
            If oSi.Name = sSelected(lCt) Then
                bShow = True
                Exit For
            End If
        If oSi.Selected <> bShow Then
        oSi.Selected = bShow
        End If

Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (26-10-2023 11:25:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi Anne,

In the code there are two lines which synchronize two other slicers:

SyncSlicer sSelected, "Slicer_City1"

SyncSlicer sSelected, "Slicer_City2"

So if you have slicers you want to synchronize, make sure you have as many lines like these as you have slicers to sync. Make sure to use the right slicer names, you can find those names as I explain here:


Comment by: zoey (5-3-2024 04:37:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi there,
Currently i have 4 slicers for 4 pivotables(all with different datasource), i want to control these 4 slicers at the same time. Below are my code, it works for slicer 2 now, but get erorr "invalid call prodedure or aurgument" for slicer 3 and 4, any idea why?
Slicer 1 and 2 are on the same sheet, 3 & 4 are on the other sheet.Thank you so much!

Sub SyncSlicers()
    Dim pvt1 As PivotTable
    Dim pvt2 As PivotTable
    Dim pvt3 As PivotTable
    Dim pvt4 As PivotTable
    Dim slicer1 As Slicer
    Dim slicer2 As Slicer
    Dim slicer3 As Slicer
    Dim slicer4 As Slicer
    ' Set the pivot tables
    Set pvt1 = Worksheets("Asset_PVT").PivotTables("asset")
    Set pvt2 = Worksheets("Asset_PVT").PivotTables("ranked")
    Set pvt3 = Worksheets("Liability_PVT").PivotTables("liability")
    Set pvt4 = Worksheets("Liability_PVT").PivotTables("ranked2")
    ' Set the slicers
    Set slicer1 = pvt1.Slicers("slicer1")
    Set slicer2 = pvt2.Slicers("slicer2")
    Set slicer3 = pvt3.Slicers("slicer3")
    Set slicer4 = pvt4.Slicers("slicer4")
    ' Get the unselected items from Slicer1
    Dim unselectedItems As New Collection
    For Each selecteditem In slicer1.SlicerCache.SlicerItems
        If Not selecteditem.Selected Then
            unselectedItems.Add selecteditem
        End If
    Next selecteditem
    ' Clear selections in Slicer2, Slicer3, and Slicer4
' Apply the unselected items to Slicer234
    For Each Item In unselectedItems
        'slicer2.SlicerCache.SlicerItems(Item.Name).Selected = False
        slicer3.SlicerCache.SlicerItems(Item.Name).Selected = False
        'slicer4.SlicerCache.SlicerItems(Item.Name).Selected = False
    Next Item
End Sub

Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (5-3-2024 15:48:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi Zoey,

Which line of your code is yellow when you click Debug?

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