Control When Events Are Handled


Events are a powerful aspect of Excel programming. They enable you to make your application respond to user actions such as entering data into cells or clicking the print button. If your application uses events, you will probably also need to be able to control whether or not an event executes its code or not (e.g. to avoid event looping or to enable your code to do things you are preventing your user to do through the user interface).


There are several ways to disable event code. One of them is to use Application.EnableEvents=False. But that will disable all application events, including event handlers add-ins may need. If your code crashes, events stay disabled! Another disadvantage is that it will not work for Userform events. Another one is by using a global variable, which you check against inside the event module. But this is not really good programming practice (although I admit I use that technique myself too). Below I will show you a more general approach, using a boolean variable inside the class module that contains the events. As an example I'll use the Thisworkbook module, but in principle any class module will do (the Thisworkbook module, Sheet modules and modules behind userforms are in fact class modules).

Let's say you want to prevent your users closing your workbook. So you have written a Workbook_BeforeClose routine in the Thisworkbook module:

Option Explicit

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    MsgBox "You are not allowed to close this file!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
    Cancel = True
End Sub

But of course you want to be able to close the file using your own code. Add a public variable to the top of the Thisworkbook module:

Option Explicit

Public NoEvents As Boolean

And inside the BeforeClose event, check the value of that variable:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    If NoEvents Then Exit Sub
    MsgBox "You are not allowed to close this file!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
    Cancel = True
End Sub

Of course now you need to put this to use. In any subroutine that may need to close the file:

Sub CloseMe()
    ThisWorkbook.NoEvents = True
End Sub

Of course if you're not closing the file, but need to disable other events, remember to set the NoEvents back to False:

    ThisWorkbook.NoEvents = False

The big advantage of this technique over using
is that should your code be reset (e.g. due to the user clicking the End button on a runtime error you didn't catch), then the variable NoEvent is reset to False and your events will work as expected. It will also give you finer control as to what happens, since you can switch off a single event, just by adding more public variables:

Public NoCloseEvent As Boolean
Public NoPrintEvent As Boolean


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