Finding cells matching a specific property using the CallByName function
I thought it would be nice to have a generic VBA function to which we could pass a range object, a string indicating a property of the object and the property's value, which would then return all cells matching that criteria.
I decided it was time to explore the CallByName function, introduced with Office 2000. According to Excel XP VBA Help:
CallByName Function
Executes a method of an object, or sets or returns a property of an object.
CallByName(object, procname, calltype,[args()])
The CallByName function syntax has these named arguments:
Suppose we'd want to find out the colorindex of a cell's interior:
MsgBox CallByName(ActiveCell.Interior, "Colorindex", VbGet)
End Sub
Since I would like to make this method a bit more general, I would like to just pass the cell object and the entire "procname" in a string:
MsgBox CallByName(ActiveCell, "Interior.Colorindex", VbGet)
End Sub
Unfortunately, this does not work, "procname" only accepts a single entity (Property, Method or Object). So it is necessary to split up the "procname" string into its individual elements.
Something like this (note: Excel 97 doesn't have the Split function, nor the CallByName function):
Dim vProps As Variant
vProps = Split(sProperties, ".")
lProps = UBound(vProps)
So to get at the colorindex property of the Interior object of the Cell object, we need to loop through the variant vProps:
Set oTemp = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lCount), VbGet)
We stop the loop at the one-but-last element of vProps, because all of the elements except the last one will be objects and the last one will be the property we're interested in. Then we get the property of the last object the loop has given us:
CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lProps), VbGet)
The complete function is shown below:
ByVal vValue As Variant) As Range
Dim oResultRange As Range
Dim oArea As Range
Dim oCell As Range
Dim bDoneOne As Boolean
Dim oTemp As Object
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lProps As Long
Dim vProps As Variant
vProps = Split(sProperties, ".")
lProps = UBound(vProps)
For Each oArea In oRange.Areas
For Each oCell In oArea.Cells
Set oTemp = oCell
For lCount = 0 To lProps - 1
Set oTemp = CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lCount), VbGet)
If CallByName(oTemp, vProps(lProps), VbGet) = vValue Then
If bDoneOne Then
Set oResultRange = Union(oResultRange, oCell)
Set oResultRange = oCell
bDoneOne = True
End If
End If
If Not oResultRange Is Nothing Then
Set FindCells = oResultRange
End If
End Function
A small example of its use, selecting all cells with a white fill:
FindCells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, "Interior.ColorIndex", 0).Select
End Sub