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Adding RibbonX code to an Office OpenXML file using VBA
This article has also been published on Microsoft's MSDN site:
On the previous page I showed how to access and modify existing parts of an Office OpenXML package. This opens up the path for us to add ribbon customisation code to an Office file. For this to happen, a couple of modifications were needed to the code in the class module I showed earlier. Fellow Excel MVP Ken Puls was kind enough to make some modifications to the class module, which I refined a little. The results are summarised below.
I have made the file used in this article available for download:
Modifications to the class module
The class module needed some additions to handle adding CustomUI code. One of them is a routine that edits the relatationships (.rels) file in the folder "_rels" to add a reference to a newly inserted customUI folder. This code edits the .rels file by adding the proper relationship:
'Date Created : 5/14/2009 23:29
'Author : Ken Puls (
'Macro Purpose: Add the customUI relationship to the rels file
Dim oXMLDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
' Dim oXMLElement As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim oXMLAttrib As MSXML2.IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim oNamedNodeMap As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap
Dim oXMLRelsList As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
'Create a new XML document
Set oXMLDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
'Attach to the root element of the .rels file
oXMLDoc.Load XMLFolder(XMLFolder_rels) & ".rels"
'Create a new relationship element in the .rels file
Set oXMLElement = oXMLDoc.createNode(1, "Relationship", _
Set oNamedNodeMap = oXMLElement.Attributes
'Create ID attribute for the element
Set oXMLAttrib = oXMLDoc.createAttribute("Id")
oXMLAttrib.NodeValue = "cuID"
oNamedNodeMap.setNamedItem oXMLAttrib
'Create Type attribute for the element
Set oXMLAttrib = oXMLDoc.createAttribute("Type")
oXMLAttrib.NodeValue = ""
oNamedNodeMap.setNamedItem oXMLAttrib
'Create Target element for the attribute
Set oXMLAttrib = oXMLDoc.createAttribute("Target")
oXMLAttrib.NodeValue = "customUI/customUI.xml"
oNamedNodeMap.setNamedItem oXMLAttrib
'Now insert the new node at the proper location
Set oXMLRelsList = oXMLDoc.SelectNodes("/Relationships")
oXMLRelsList.Item(0).appendChild oXMLElement
'Save the .rels file
oXMLDoc.Save XMLFolder(XMLFolder_rels) & ".rels"
Set oXMLAttrib = Nothing
Set oXMLElement = Nothing
Set oXMLDoc = Nothing
End Sub
Additionally I modified the code that writes XML to a file so it detects when you're trying to add customUI to the file in question. If so, it checks if the customUI folder already exists and if not, it adds it and subsequently updates the aforementioned .rels file:
' Procedure : WriteXML2File
' Company : JKP Application Development Services (c)
' Author : Jan Karel Pieterse
' Created : 6-5-2009
' Purpose : Writes sXML to sFileName
' Modified by Ken Puls 2009-05-12
' Adjusted to add ability to write to customUI container
Dim oXMLDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set oXMLDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
'If attempting to write a customUI component, test to see if one exists
'Should probably test the .rels file to see if the CustomUI relationship exists...
If sXMLFolder = XMLFolder_customUI Then
If Not FolderExists(XMLFolder(XMLFolder_customUI)) Then
MkDir XMLFolder(XMLFolder_customUI)
'Write the XML to the file
oXMLDoc.loadXML sXML
oXMLDoc.Save XMLFolder(sXMLFolder) & sFileName
'CustomUI has not been created yet. Rels file needs to be adjusted
End If
End If
'Write the XML to the file
oXMLDoc.loadXML sXML
oXMLDoc.Save XMLFolder(sXMLFolder) & sFileName
End Sub
How to add Custom UI
There is a small demo routine that shows how customUI code is added to a file. The code below demonstrates what simplicity we got by using a class module to take care of the dirty work for us:
' Procedure : Demo
' Company : JKP Application Development Services (c)
' Author : Jan Karel Pieterse (
' Created : 06-05-2009
' Purpose : Demonstrates Writing RibbonX code to an Office Open XML package
Dim cEditOpenXML As clsEditOpenXML
Dim sXML As String
Set cEditOpenXML = New clsEditOpenXML
With cEditOpenXML
'Tell it which OpenXML file to process
.SourceFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\formcontrols.xlsm"
'Before you can access info in the file, it must be unzipped
'This is the RibbonX code we want to write to the file
sXML = "<customUI xmlns="""">" & _
"<ribbon startFromScratch=""false"">" & _
"<tabs>" & _
"<tab id=""customTab"" label=""Custom Tab"">" & _
"<group id=""customGroup"" label=""Custom Group"">" & _
"<button id=""customButton"" label=""Custom Button"" imageMso=""HappyFace"" size=""large"" onAction=""Callback"" />" & _
"</group>" & _
"</tab>" & _
"</tabs>" & _
"</ribbon>" & _
'Now write the xml to the file
'(the class takes care of the relationships for us):
.WriteXML2File sXML, "customUI.xml", XMLFolder_customUI
'Now rezip the unzipped package
End With
'Only when you let the class go out of scope the zip file's
'.zip extension is removed
'in the terminate event of the class.
'Then the OpenXML file has its original filename back.
Set cEditOpenXML = Nothing
End Sub
The code shown in this article and in the associated download file shows you a way to add RibbonX customisation to an Office 2007 OpenXML file using VBA. This enables us to update ribbonX code inside an existing Excel file on-the-fly, which is normally impossible.