RefTreeAnalyser: The ultimate Excel Formula Auditing tool

For Microsoft® Excel®

Excel formula auditing taken to the next level!



  • Easy Auditing of formula dependents and precedents, including object dependencies (charts, pivot tables, form controls, Validation formulas, Conditional formatting formulas, etcetera)
  • Find circular references (Excel for Windows only!)
  • Trace errors
  • Find out which cells are used by all kinds of things in your file: pivot tables, charts, conditional formatting, data validation, forms and ActiveX controls and etcetera.
  • Generate a table of content containing not just your worksheets, but also your charts, pivot tables and (form) controls
  • Time your workbook calculation for each worksheet to find bottlenecks
  • Check columns for formula inconsistencies

Free Download

Supported Excel versions:

  • Windows: Microsoft 365, 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007
  • Mac: Microsoft 365 (please note that the circular reference detection does not work on Mac Excel)
  • Supports both 32 and 64 bit Office

Download RefTreeAnalyser (Free demo!!!) V3.1 (Build 211, Updated May 23, 2024, downloaded: 25.517 times)

By downloading the file, you consent to adhere to the license conditions. After downloading the file, please read the readme.txt file, it contains important installation instructions. In addition, please read: Excel add-ins fail to load

The tool will work without a license code but with (only slightly) limited functionality. After purchasing a license, you can simply enter the license code into the tool's settings dialog. The limitations will be removed instantly.

Old versions

If you need an old version of RefTreeAnalyser, please contact me.

Ordering licenses

A license includes:

  • Installation and perpetual use of the tool on two computers
  • One year of free updates
Permanent licenses are available upon request

Buy RefTreeAnalyser now!


  Price per license
  € 35.00
  € 32.00
  € 29.00
  € 26.50
  € 24.00

Money back guarantee

If you are in any way dissatisfied with RefTreeAnalyser, contact me within 30 days after your purchase and I'll issue a refund.

Buy RefTreeAnalyser now!

What is RefTreeAnalyser?

Ever had to work out the logic of other people's Excel files? Ever had to untie the spaghetti-knots of a large Excel workbook's formulas? Then you know what a nightmare this can be!

Here is RefTreeAnalyser, your must-have expansion of your Formula tab of the Ribbon!

Screenshot of RefTreeAnalyser Visualize option of RefTreeAnalyser

With this tool, finding out how a cell in a workbook derives its results and what other cells depend on the cell is a breeze. RefTreeAnalyser makes tracing precedents and dependents a lot easier than Excel's built-in tools. Read more about RefTreeAnalyser.

Supported Excel versions

RefTreeAnalyser is designed to work with Excel 2007 and up, including all 64 bit Excel versions.

More information

  1. Why RefTreeAnalyser?
  2. Screenshots of RefTreeAnalyser
  3. Version information
  4. Operating instructions

Buy RefTreeAnalyser now!



Showing last 8 comments of 237 in total (Show All Comments):


Comment by: Ritz (24-3-2023 16:47:00) deeplink to this comment

I just purchased RefTreeAnalyser and cannot get it to run on the Mac.

It was running fine until I tried to input my license code and now it is stuck in a loop, giving me the error "Oops, An error has occurred in RefTreeAnalyser
Error -2147210493: Method 'Execute' of object 'WebClient' failed in Module modUpdate.ExecuteHttpRequest"

I have to Force Quit Excel using the Mac Activity Monitor.

I have deleted the whole directory, restarted Excel and reinstalled several times but I cannot get the error to go away.

Can you please help?

Best regards,

Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (24-3-2023 17:38:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi Ritz,

I've replied to your email, please double-check your spam folders if it hasn't arrived.

Comment by: Mal Z (6-4-2023 21:28:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi, I just bought a license. For the Tracing Cell dependents and precedents, how do I fix the Levels to a certain number (e.g. 5) automatically without having to toggle it each time the window opens?

Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (6-4-2023 23:08:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi Mal,

I'm afraid you currently can't. I decided to reset to 1 a long time ago because otherwise the tool may be very slow for larger models. Perhaps this calls for adding this as an option in the next update.

Comment by: Mal Z (6-4-2023 23:46:00) deeplink to this comment

That'd be a great addition to the next update - perhaps in the main settings menu, letting the user tick a box for a default Level they can choose.

Thanks a lot anyway!

Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (7-4-2023 11:27:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi Mal,

Noted, thanks!

Comment by: Mohamed GadAllah (31-10-2023 09:45:00) deeplink to this comment

Just installed a fresh clean copy of Microsoft 365 and then enabled the add-on file.
I get this error:

Comment by: Jan Karel Pieterse (31-10-2023 09:49:00) deeplink to this comment

Hi Mohamed,

That is strange. I don't get that error. Which exact version of Excel do you have?

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