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Ron de Bruin
Excel Automation

Microsoft MVP Program

Delete row if a specific value exist (VBA)

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Ron de Bruin decided to remove all Windows Excel content from his website for personal reasons. If you want to know why, head over to

Luckily, Ron was kind enough to allow me to publish all of his Excel content here.

Most of these pages are slightly outdated and may contain links that don 't work. Please inform me if you find such an error and I'll try to fix it.

Kind regards

Jan Karel Pieterse

Copy the code in a Standard module of your workbook, if you just started with VBA see this page.
Where do I paste the code that I find on the internet

Loop backwards through all rows

You find different examples on this part of the page to loop through the rows and check If a specific value exists in a column (A is the column in my example) and delete that row if it exists.

The example macro loop through all the rows in the UsedRange.
This is the first row with data till the last row with data on your worksheet.

It can be slower if the column that you check doesn’t use so many rows or if your UsedRange is
bigger then your data. You can find more information on Debra Dalgleish's website about this.

You can replace this part of the macro

Firstrow = .UsedRange.Cells(1).Row
Lastrow = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row

With this if you want to fill in the Firstrow and the Lastrow yourself.

Firstrow = 4
Lastrow = 100

Or with this if you want to fill in the Firstrow and let the code find the Lastrow in the column.

Firstrow = 2
Lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

Macro example

The code example below will delete every row in the usedrange with "ron" in the A column.
If .Value = "ron" Then .EntireRow.Delete

I use the A column in my example, change the A to your column in this code line.
With .Cells(Lrow, "A")

Note: read the tips below the macro if you want to do something different.

Sub Loop_Example()
    Dim Firstrow As Long
    Dim Lastrow As Long
    Dim Lrow As Long
    Dim CalcMode As Long
    Dim ViewMode As Long

    With Application
        CalcMode = .Calculation
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        .ScreenUpdating = False
    End With

    'We use the ActiveSheet but you can replace this with
    'Sheets("MySheet")if you want
    With ActiveSheet

        'We select the sheet so we can change the window view

        'If you are in Page Break Preview Or Page Layout view go
        'back to normal view, we do this for speed
        ViewMode = ActiveWindow.View
        ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView

        'Turn off Page Breaks, we do this for speed
        .DisplayPageBreaks = False

        'Set the first and last row to loop through
        Firstrow = .UsedRange.Cells(1).Row
        Lastrow = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row

        'We loop from Lastrow to Firstrow (bottom to top)
        For Lrow = Lastrow To Firstrow Step -1

            'We check the values in the A column in this example
            With .Cells(Lrow, "A")

                If Not IsError(.Value) Then

                    If .Value = "ron" Then .EntireRow.Delete
                    'This will delete each row with the Value "ron"
                    'in Column A, case sensitive.

                End If

            End With

        Next Lrow

    End With

    ActiveWindow.View = ViewMode
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .Calculation = CalcMode
    End With

End Sub


Examples to change the example above

The example macro above will delete rows with "ron" in the A column now.

If .Value = "ron" Then .EntireRow.Delete
'This will delete each row with the Value "ron" in Column A, case sensitive.

You can replace the two lines above with one of the examples below. Note: I use text examples like ="ron" but you can also use = 1200 for numeric columns or use >, <, >=, <=.

Tip: If you want to delete all rows that not have "ron" in column A then replace = for <>

If .Value Like "*ron*" Then .EntireRow.Delete
'This will delete each row where "ron" is a part of the string, case sensitive.
' Use "ron*" for a value that start with ron or "*ron" for a value that ends with ron

If LCase(.Value) = LCase("ron") Then .EntireRow.Delete
'This will delete each row with the Value "ron" in Column A, not case sensitive.

If Trim(.Value) = "ron" Then .EntireRow.Delete
'It uses the Trim function to strip the spaces
'This will delete each row with the Value "ron" in Column A, case sensitive.

If Trim(LCase(.Value)) = LCase("ron") Then .EntireRow.Delete
'It uses the Trim function to strip the spaces
'This will delete each row with the Value "ron" in Column A, not case sensitive.

If .Value = "" Then .EntireRow.Delete
'This will delete each row if the cell is empty or have a formula that evaluates to ""

If IsEmpty(.Value) Then .EntireRow.Delete
'This will delete the row if the cell is empty

Select Case .Value
Case Is = "jelle", "ron", "dave": .EntireRow.Delete
End Select

'Use Select Case if you want to check more values in the cell

If Not IsError(Application.Match(.Value, _
Array("jelle", "ron", "dave"), 0)) Then .EntireRow.Delete

'Or use this one with Application.Match if you want to check more values in the cell. You can also use a 'range with the values to delete. Replace Array("jelle", "ron", "dave") with Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A200")

Tip: To make it easier to edit you can define a variable to hold that array
ArrNames = Array("jelle", "ron", "dave")
If Not IsError(Application.Match(.Value, ArrNames, 0)) Then .EntireRow.Delete

Do not forget to add this dim line on top of the macro if you use this Dim ArrNames As Variant


Examples to Check a whole row or more columns

Replace this part of the macro with one of the code examples below

            'We check the values in the A column in this example
            With .Cells(Lrow, "A")

                If Not IsError(.Value) Then

                    If .Value = "ron" Then .EntireRow.Delete
                    'This will delete each row with the Value "ron"
                    'in Column A, case sensitive.

                End If

            End With

Replace the code above with the code below

If .Cells(Lrow, "A").Value = "ron" And _
.Cells(Lrow, "B").Value = "dave" And _
.Cells(Lrow, "C").Value > 10 Then .Rows(Lrow).Delete

'Use this if you want to check for values in other columns also.

If Application.CountA(.Rows(Lrow)) = 0 Then .Rows(Lrow).Delete
'This will delete the row if the whole row is empty (all columns)

If Application.CountA(.Range(.Cells(Lrow, "A"), .Cells(Lrow, "E"))) = 0 Then .Rows(Lrow).Delete
'This will delete the row if the first 5 cells in the row are empty

If Application.CountA(.Cells(Lrow, 1).Range("A1,M1,X1")) = 0 Then .Rows(Lrow).Delete
'This will delete the row if the cells in A, M and X in the row are empty

If Application.CountIf(.Rows(Lrow), "ron") = 0 Then .Rows(Lrow).Delete
' Delete each row if the value "ron" not exist in the row (It will look in the whole row)

If Application.CountIf(.Rows(Lrow), "ron") > 0 Then .Rows(Lrow).Delete
' Delete each row if the value "ron" exist in the row (It will look in the whole row)

Tip: With CountIf you can use wild cards like this "*ron*" (is also working then if "ron" is a part of a cell)
Use "*ron" for a value that start with ron or "ron*" for a value that ends with ron. See the Excel help for more information about CountIf, there are examples there about other wildcards like ?.


Delete Rows with Union, AutoFilter, find and Specialcells

There are many more ways to delete rows with VBA, I add a few more examples in a text file on my site. the code in the TXT file will be faster if you have a lot of data.

Open the TXT file with more examples