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Ron de Bruin
Excel Automation

Microsoft MVP Program

Where do I paste the code that I find on the internet 

Important message to visitors of this page

Ron de Bruin decided to remove all Windows Excel content from his website for personal reasons. If you want to know why, head over to

Luckily, Ron was kind enough to allow me to publish all of his Excel content here.

Most of these pages are slightly outdated and may contain links that don 't work. Please inform me if you find such an error and I'll try to fix it.

Kind regards

Jan Karel Pieterse

When you want to try VBA code that you see in a Forum, Newsgroup or WebSite and you read:

Paste the code in a General, Regular, Normal or Standard module
Paste the code in a Sheet module
Paste the code in the ThisWorkbook module

And you have no idea where to paste the code then I hope the screenshots below will help you. If you are on a Mac see also the links on the bottom of this page. There are four types of modules and there are screenshots for the first two on this page.

ThisWorkbook and worksheet code modules
You find them in the Microsoft Excel Objects folder and you use them to store event macros

General, Regular, Normal or Standard code modules
Here you store normal macros, User Defined Functions(UDFs) and global variables.
You can have more then one module in your project

UserForm modules
Here you store the event code for the Userform

Class modules
See this page for more information


Open the VBA editor

Open the VBA editor with the shortcut Alt+F11.

You see that you can use Ctrl+r to open the Project Explorer if you not see it.
The Project Explorer is like Windows Explorer and you can see all your open workbooks
and add-ins there.

Normal the active project (workbook) is expand so you can see all the modules in it.

But if you see this press the * on the numeric keyboard with the project selected to expand your project.
You can also click on the + or double click the project name.

Tip: Use Option Explicit in every module

If used, the Option Explicit statement must appear before any other code.

When you use Option Explicit you must explicitly declare all variables.
If you attempt to use an undeclared variable name, an error occurs at compile time.

It avoid incorrectly typing the name of an existing variable and avoid confusion
in code where the scope of the variable is not clear.
If you not declare your variable it will be a Variant, Variants are slow, they take up a lot of memory,
and using them when not absolutely necessary can create hard-to-find bugs in your code

To add Option Explicit automatic in every new module or every module in a new file use this
Tools>Options in the menu bar and check "Require Variable Declaration".


Paste code in a General, Regular, Normal or Standard module

You must insert a module first in your project before you can use it for code.
Click on Insert>Module with your project active in the Menu bar to do this.

Select the module in the Project Explorer and press F7 or double click on the module.
You can see above the menu bar if you have the code window of the correct module active.
The module is directly active after you insert it in your project for the first time.

Paste the code in the code window on the right hand side below Option Explicit.
After you paste the code in the code window use Alt+q to go back to Excel.
In Excel you can use Alt+F8 then to select the macro and run it.


Paste code in a Sheet module

Select the sheet in the Project Explorer and press F7 or double click on the sheet module.
You can see above the menu bar if you have the code window of the correct module active.

Another way to go to a sheet module is to right click on a sheet tab and choose "View Code"
You not have to open the VBA editor first when you use this.

Paste the code in the code window on the right hand side below Option Explicit.
After you paste the code in the code window use Alt+q to go back to Excel.


Paste code in the ThisWorkbook module

Select ThisWorkbook in the Project Explorer and press F7 or double click on the ThisWorkbook module.
You can see above the menu bar if you have the code window of the correct module active.

Paste the code in the code window on the right hand side below Option Explicit.
After you paste the code in the code window use Alt+q to go back to Excel.


Mac VBE Editor

Note: if you are on a Mac you will find out that the VBE editor is not as good as the one in the Windows versions of Office. Below are two links with more information.

How to Code with the VBE in Office 2011 for Mac:

Display and Navigate the VBE Interface in Office 2011 for Mac: