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Ron de Bruin
Excel Automation

Microsoft MVP Program

Add missing built-in commands to the QAT or Ribbon

Important message to visitors of this page

Ron de Bruin decided to remove all Windows Excel content from his website for personal reasons. If you want to know why, head over to

Luckily, Ron was kind enough to allow me to publish all of his Excel content here.

Most of these pages are slightly outdated and may contain links that don 't work. Please inform me if you find such an error and I'll try to fix it.

Kind regards

Jan Karel Pieterse

Many Excel 2007-2016 commands do not appear anywhere in the Ribbon, including some that used to be on the menus in Excel 2003. These commands still exist but you have to do something to make them available.

Few examples of commands that are not in the Ribbon

Name in the "Commands Not in the Ribbon" list :

Send to Mail Recipient
Select Visible Cells
Select Current Region
Speak Cells by Columns
Speak Cells by Rows
Speak Cells on Enter
Speak Cells
Speak Cells - Stop Speaking Cells
Print Table

There are three ways you can make these commands and many others available.

Add missing commands to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

You can add useful commands to your QAT like this:

Note: the screenshots are from Excel 2007 but are almost the same in 2010-2016.
Right click on the QAT and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

In the "Choose commands from" dropdown choose "Commands Not in the Ribbon".
Then select the command you want in this long list and press "Add"

Note: In the "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" dropdown choose "For <workbook name>"
if you want to add the commands only to the QAT for this workbook.


Create custom tab in the userinterface (Only Excel 2010-2016)

Read this article on the Microsoft site :


Add missing commands to your own custom Ribbon tab created with RibbonX

If you want to add missing commands to your own custom Ribbon tab in Excel 2007-2016 you must know the RibbonX name for the command that you want to add to the Ribbon tab.

The idMso of the command you can find like this, point to the command in the "Commands Not in the Ribbon" list with your mouse and you see this.

Now we download a file in the section "Find the Control, Group and Tab names" on this webpage

We search for this idMso SendCopySendToMailRecipient in the file you just download.
You will find the Type of the command (button, toggleButton or ?) on the same row in this file.

Now we have enough information to create this line to add the command.
<toggleButton idMso="SendCopySendToMailRecipient" size="normal"/>

RibbonX example

The RibbonX below will create a new tab on the Ribbon with a few example commands. You can save the workbook with the RibbonX below as a add-in if you want to use the commands in all your workbooks.

Note: If you not know how to add RibbonX to your workbook check out my Ribbon start page.

<customUI xmlns="">

      <tab id="CustomTab" label="Not in the Ribbon Tab" insertAfterMso="TabHome">

        <group id="YourCustomGroup1" label="Div Commands">
	  <toggleButton idMso="SendCopySendToMailRecipient" size="normal"/>
          <button idMso="Camera" size="normal"/>
	  <button idMso="AddInManager" size="normal"/>
          <button idMso="TableSelectVisibleCells" size="normal"/>
          <button idMso="SelectCurrentRegion" size="normal"/>
          <button idMso="DataFormExcel" size="normal"/>

        <group id="YourCustomGroup2" label="Speak Commands">
          <toggleButton idMso="SpeakByColumns" size="normal"/>
          <toggleButton idMso="SpeakByRows" size="normal"/>
          <toggleButton idMso="SpeakOnEnter" size="normal"/>
          <button idMso="SpeakCells" size="large"/>
          <button idMso="SpeakStop" size="large"/>
        <group id="YourCustomGroup3" label="Print">
          <button idMso="PrintListRange" size="large"/>			

